Sunday, November 29, 2015

We Are Providers of Loan, bank guarantees & SBLC (

DL Financial Limited is a registered loan and investments company that undertakes direct loan provision, personal loan, business loan, project financing. We are also direct providers of bank instruments such as bank guarantee (BG), standby letter of credit (buy or rent SBLC), DLC, Letters of credit. Our bank instruments are issued by prime banks like HSBC, Barclays Bank, Citibank, Standard Chartered bank or any top AAA rated bank of your choice. We provide both secured loans and unsecured loans and our interest rate is 3% per year.

Furthermore, we are looking forward to partnering and/or working with agents or company representatives. In the case where you do not have any need for a loan, you can serve as our agent or company representative. You will be entitled to 1% of total value of every business you bring to us.

If you would like to work or do business with us, kindly get back to us stating your area of interest to guide us on the next step.

In anticipation of having a pleasant business relationship with you, please accept the assurances of our esteem regards.

Mr. Laurent De Landtsheer

Friday, November 27, 2015

Financial Instruments- International Structured Trade Finance

International Trade Finance
Financial Instruments | Structured Trade Finance
International Trade Finance
DL Financial Limited are genuine Providers of Personal loans, business Loans, International Project Financing, bank guarantees, DLC & SBLC.

DL Financial Limited can assist you open Letters of credit to fulfill inventory financing needs for large and small purchase orders through our purchase order financing scheme, and to provide an enhancement to current banking arrangements.

Our expert staff can work with clients to arrange their transfer Letter of Credit, performance guarantee requirements, cash against document requests and other such trade instruments by using our extensive global banking facilities.

DL Financial Limited facilitates and manages the process of the opening of Letters of credit on behalf of its clientele, and continues the ongoing management of the letter of credit process throughout the period for which a transaction may occur.
The services offered by 
DL Financial Limited have facilitated excellent relationships in which world banking institutions work in conjunction with DL Financial Limited expert staffs, the company avails itself of the foremost experts in the World of Trade Finance, and the criteria set forth under UCP 600 for documentary LC’s and ISP98 for standby letter of credit or bank guarantees.

These alliances are utilised to create opportunities for growth and profitability for our clients' companies.

Understanding and Using Letters of Credit
Letters of credit accomplish their purpose by substituting the credit of the bank for that of the customer, for the purpose of facilitating trade. There are basically two types: commercial and standby. The commercial letter of credit is the primary payment mechanism for a transaction, whereas the standby letter of credit is a secondary payment mechanism.

Commercial Letter of Credit

Commercial letters of credit have been used for decades to facilitate payment in international trade. Their use will continue to increase as the global economy evolves.Letters of credit used in international transactions are governed by the International Chamber of Commerce Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits. The general provisions and definitions of the International Chamber of Commerce are binding on all parties. Domestic collections in the United States are governed by the Uniform Commercial Code.

A commercial letter of credit is a contractual agreement between a bank, known as the issuing bank, on behalf of one of its customers, authorizing another bank, known as the advising or confirming bank, to make payment to the beneficiary. The issuing bank, on the request of its customer, opens the letter of credit. The issuing bank makes a commitment to honor drawings made under the credit. The beneficiary is normally the provider of goods and/or services. Essentially, the issuing bank replaces the bank's customer as the payee.

Elements of a Letter of Credit
  • A payment undertaking given by a bank (issuing bank)
  • On behalf of a buyer (applicant)
  • To pay a seller (beneficiary) for a given amount of money
  • On presentation of specified documents representing the supply of goods
  • Within specified time limits
  • Documents must conform to terms and conditions set out in the letter of credit
  • Documents to be presented at a specified place

Kindly contact us today for all your financial needs.

NOTICE: Brokers are 100% welcomed and protected. Our brokers are paid handsome commission for every successful transaction. 

DL Financial bank guarantee provider     DL Financial Genuine SBLC provider      DL Financial DLC provider      top world lc provider

What is ICBPO (Irrevovable Conditional Bank Pay Orders)?

ICBPO means (Irrevovable Conditional Bank Pay Orders). ICBPO has been banned and have been made illegal by most governments. BG and SBLC Issuers that continue to ask for ICBPOs as payment are completely out of touch by seeking a form of financial payment that has been made illegal in most countries. Any supplier that requests payment by ICBPO clearly doesnt understand the Bank Guarantee Industry and is an amateur not a professional. You cant be a credible financial supplier and request your customers pay you using illegal means eg ICBPO. 

DL Financial SBLC providers
So why have most governments banned and made ICBPOs illegal?
Answer: When an ICBPO (Irrevovable Conditional Bank Pay Orders)  for 500 Millions Dollars is lodged with a Bank in Country A to “Irrevocably” pay a Bank in Country B. The National Balance of Payments Accounts in BOTH Countries is immediately effected!
Country A incurs a 500 Million Dollar Balance of Payments Debit (Deficit) and Country B receives a 500 Million Dollar a Balance of Payment Credit. This immediately affects BOTH countries National Debt Balance Sheets and can also have an affect on the countries exchange rate because of the sheer size of the transaction.
The the above action occurs immediately when the Bank Pay Order is written because the Bank Pay Order is “Irrevocable” meaning it cannot be cancelled.
The situation gets worse when Bank A issues the ICBPO for 500 Million but Bank B doesnt deliver the Bank Guarantee and defaults on the transaction…. This leaves Bank A unable to cancel their ICBPO or recover their 500 Million Dollar payment for a transaction that did not occur. AND Leaves Country A with a 500 Million Dollar Deficit when no goods or services were transacted!
Most Governments have now recognized the extreme risk and effect ICBPOs have on their economies and as a result they have banned them and made ICBPOs illegal for all parties except for very large specially licensed financial institutions that have been given direct government approval. Those institutions are few and far between and rarely operate in the Bank Guarantee Industry.
So ICBPOs are well and truely off the Bank Guarantee menu! Normal BG and SBLC Payment Guarantees of MT799 have replaced them.

DL Financial Limited are genuine and reliable providers of loan, international project funders, Lease bank guarantee providers & providers of sblc, dlc and letters of credit.  Others Talk, but DL Financial Delivers. So its time you became a customer of DL Financial Ltd so you can feel the difference. 

Kindly contact us today for all your financial needs.

NOTICE: Brokers are 100% welcomed and protected. Our brokers are paid handsome commission for every successful transaction. If you want to be our broker or company representative kindly send us email for more information.

DL Financial bank guarantee provider     DL Financial Genuine SBLC provider      DL Financial DLC provider      top world lc provider

MT 103/23????

A standard SWIFT MT103 (Single Customer Credit Transfer) is a general use message of a TT payment instruction which is an unconditional payment.

I would like to confirm that there is no MT103/23 Conditional, but MT103 (usually with Field 23B - bank operation - mandatory codeword CRED), Field 23E - Instruction Code - is where the remitting bank (at the request of the remitter) puts in instructions code instructing the beneficiary's bank how to effect the payment.

MT 103 in Field 23E specifies an instruction which must contain barely one of the following SWIFT - STP (Straight Through Processing)– Optional/Conditional – just four digits SWIFT -STP accepted codeword:

SDVA: Payment must be executed with same day value to the beneficiary.
INTC: The payment is an intra-company payment, i.e., a payment between two companies belonging to the same group.
REPA: Payment has a related e-Payments reference.
CORT Payment is made in settlement of a trade, e.g., foreign exchange deal, securities transaction.
BONL: Payment is to be made to the beneficiary customer only.
HOLD: Beneficiary customer/claimant will call; pay upon identification.
CHQB: Pay beneficiary customer only by cheque. The optional account number line in field 59 must not be used.
PHOB: Please advise/contact beneficiary/claimant by phone.
TELB: Please advise/contact beneficiary/claimant by the most efficient means of telecommunication.
PHON: Please advise account with institution by phone.
TELE: Please advise account with institution by the most efficient means of telecommunication.
PHOI: Please advise the intermediary institution by phone.
TELI: Please advise the intermediary institution by the most efficient means of telecommunication

…. A so called "MT103/23 conditional payment" is a format which would not be recognized by banks.
You cannot send an MT103 with a condition that the beneficiary's bank must receive, say presentation – evidencing of certain advisable documents detailed in Field 23E - from the beneficiary before crediting his account.

Such any other message (except merely SWIFT - STP four digits codes) stated by Field 23E will be rejected by the remitting bank, and if sent in Field 23 (which allows for only a few standard codes described above) will be rejected and ignored by the beneficiary's bank who will credit the beneficiary's account anyway.

It must be understood that other such messages are not governed by any ICC or SWIFT - STP provisions, and the manual intervention required under the "CONDITIONAL PAYMENT" flag would affect the "Straight Through Processing" (STP) function of the SWIFT MT103 message.

It is unlikely that the - SWIFT payment department - of a bank would wish to involve itself in an area for which it is not qualified, in determining the integrity of the underlying documents, and thereby lift the condition to pay the recipient.

Now for those who request a MT 103/23 , send it to me and see if it works! stop the madness already! Its not easy educating uninformed customers.

DL Financial Limited are genuine and reliable providers of loan, international project funders, Lease bank guarantee providers & providers of sblc, dlc and letters of credit.  Others Talk, but DL Financial Delivers. So its time you became a customer of DL Financial Ltd so you can feel the difference. 

Kindly contact us today for all your financial needs.

NOTICE: Brokers are 100% welcomed and protected. Our brokers are paid handsome commission for every successful transaction. If you want to be our broker or company representative kindly send us email for more information.

DL Financial bank guarantee provider     DL Financial Genuine SBLC provider      DL Financial DLC provider      top world lc provider

What is the difference between recourse and non-recourse debt?

The difference between recourse and non-recourse debt is the ability of the lender to take the assets of the borrower if the debt is not paid. Non-recourse debt favors the borrower, while recourse debt favors the lender.

When a lender is given recourse rights in a borrowing arrangement, it means that the lender can pursue repayment of the debt from the borrower by seizing designated borrower assets. Thus, recourse debt refers to an agreement where the lender can attach borrower assets, while non-recourse debt refers to an agreement where the lender cannot do so (other than for assets specified as collateral).

However, a recourse arrangement may only allow the lender to attach specifically identified borrower assets, beyond which the lender has no ability to obtain additional borrower assets. In this case, the existence of a recourse feature may not provide complete risk mitigation for the lender.

A lender is most able to impose a recourse debt agreement on a borrower when the borrower is unable to obtain financing elsewhere on better terms, and especially when the borrower is in difficult financial circumstances. Conversely, a borrower may be able to demand non-recourse debt terms if it can select from many lenders and has such excellent financial results and asset reserves that it can justify its demands.

A lender may be more willing to grant credit under a recourse loan at a lower interest rate than would be the case with a non-recourse loan, since the lender's risk of repayment is reduced under a non-recourse situation. Consequently, some borrowers are more willing to accept recourse terms in exchange for a reduced interest rate and/or other, more lenient borrowing terms.

Alternatively, a lender may be willing to grant less credit under a non-recourse agreement, usually only up to the amount of any collateral posted against the note. Since the lender has no recourse above the amount of the collateral, it is too risky to extend additional credit.

A lender has more power in a tight credit market, and so is more capable of imposing recourse terms. The reason is that fewer lenders are willing to issue funds, which minimizes the level of competition among lenders for the business of borrowers.

DL Financial Limited are genuine and reliable providers of loan, international project funders, Lease bank guarantee providers & providers of sblc, dlc and letters of credit.  Others Talk, but DL Financial Delivers. So its time you became a customer of DL Financial Ltd so you can feel the difference. 

Kindly contact us today for all your financial needs.

NOTICE: Brokers are 100% welcomed and protected. Our brokers are paid handsome commission for every successful transaction. If you want to be our broker or company representative kindly send us email for more information.

DL Financial bank guarantee provider     DL Financial Genuine SBLC provider      DL Financial DLC provider      top world lc provider

We Are providers of Proof of Fund, POF and Blocked Funds for investments or trading

You can have access to amounts between $500,000 to $2 Billion World Wide Funds are in a bank account with your name or company name. DL Financial provides Proof of Funds to our clients for credit enhancement purpose. Blocked funds are in an account with the client listed as the funds owner for a pre-determined amount of time.
These can be:
  • Proof of Funds (POF) Blocked Funds
  • Bank Comfort Letters (BCL)
  • Bank statements
  • SWIFT MT799
  • SWIFT MT760
  • SWIFT MT199
  • Bank Guarantees
  • Stand By Letter of Credit (SBLC)
  • VOD (1006)
  • Escrow Accounts (with major escrow companies)
It is important to understand that this is not a loan and the money will never move from the account. It is blocked, but free and clear.
You receive Verification of the funds and proof that the funds are yours (for verification purpose only). There are different ways to verify those funds. Some banks or financial institutions let you go to your local bank or branch. Some have a dedicated National 800 number, while others use online services.
The cost for this service varies according to the POF amount, the type of account as well as the length of time needed to show the funds.
We must be satisfied with your capacity to pay the up front fee for providing Proof of Funds (known as the Arrangement Fee). Payment of the Arrangement Fee in the form of a “success fee” is not acceptable.
Any use including:
  • Net worth Requirement
  • Facilitate buy / sell arrangements
  • Show of Down payment to get REO offers accepted
  • Bond Requirement
  • Proof of Liquidity
  • Proof of Collateral
  • Reserved or Blocked funds for investments
Minimum of only 1 month with discounts for multiple months.
Brokers paid for referrals!
Proof of Funds Program Highlights:
  • Accounts available from $100K to $2 billion
  • Money Market funds seasoned for six (6) months
  • No Credit Check or Financial Statements Required
  • Funds in an account under client’s name and signature
  • 30 & 60 day accounts, with discounts provided for renewal terms
  • Standard bank Verification of Deposit provided for all accounts
  • Bank accounts opened and confirmed in writing by bank officers
  • SWIFT MT799/760 confirmation option available in Offshore Banks
  • Brokers paid for referrals

Program Highlights

Proof of Funds Program Highlights:
  • amount available ranging from $500K to 200 + billion.
  • Funds seasoned for up to six (6) months.
  • Rates starting at 2% per month.
  • 30, 60 & 90 day accounts, with discounts provided for renewal terms.
  • You  have access to the paperwork in less than 24 hours after confirmation.
  • Funds in an account under your name and signature.
Types of accounts:
  • Domestic Brokerage Firm:
  • Domestic Banks:
  • Brokerage Accounts
  • Prime Western Europe Banks:
  • Domestic Hedge Investment (NON BANK)

Types of confirmation
  • Standard verification of deposit (VOD): the customer faxes over a form to the financial institution. They then look up the account information, and fill out a standard form.
  • Bank-to-bank electronic confirmation.
All accounts require full client disclosure and are opened in strict compliance with the provisions of the International Money Laundering Regulations and the US Patriot Act.
Kindly contact us today for all your financial needs.


Thursday, November 26, 2015

Letters of credit providers- L/C, DLC, SBLC and lease bank guarantees

Letter of credit  (Documentary Letter Of Credit (L/C, DLC) is the bank's obligation to pay the seller of goods or services a certain amount of money in the timely submission of documents confirming shipment of goods or performance of contractual services.

Documentary Letter Of Credit is one of the most important means of financing in the international trade, as the letter of credit is a tool that removes most of risks as from the buyer (importer) and from the seller (exporter).
Documentary Letter Of Credit is very flexible and convenient tool of calculations, which have the widest recognition and acceptance in the world because of the following advantages:

1. For the seller, the letter of credit is convenient because it removes the risk of insolvency of the buyer, because the letter of credit is the unconditional obligation of the bank to pay, regardless of the presence or absence of the bank of the applicant credit. Thus, the letter of credit provides a higher degree of protection of the seller’s interests with payment upon delivery or by collection.
For the seller of credit is convenient because it removes the risk of insolvency of the buyer, because the letter of credit - the unconditional obligation of the bank to pay, regardless of the presence or absence of the bank of the applicant credit. Thus, the letter of credit provides a higher degree of protection than the interests of the seller with payment upon delivery or by collection.

2. For the customer the letter of credit is convenient because it provides greater protection of the buyer’s interests compared to the down payment, and eliminates the risk of unscrupulous sellers, because the letter of credit may be required, among other documents, the documents,  issued by independent third parties (Chamber of Commerce, the insurance company, the independent inspector).

3. Availability of "Uniform Rules and Practice for Documentary Letter of Credit", which are internationally recognized, clearly defining and delimiting the obligations of the parties of the letter of credit, allows advancing the interests of the applicant or beneficiary. Thus, the letter of credit is the bank's obligation as an independent arbitrator who shall be subject to payment of the letter of credit, regardless of the possible litigation between the parties to the contract.
The principle of autonomy and independence of the letter of credit from the contract is fundamental.

What should be important during choosing a letter of credit:
It is important to define clearly the conditions of the letter of credit: type of the letter of credit, payment conditions of the letter of credit, a list and description of the documents submitted by the payee and the requirements for such documents, the closing date of the letter of credit and the period of submission of documents.

There are the following forms of letter of credit:
Revocable Letters of Credit, which can be changed or canceled by the issuing bank without prior notice to the recipient of funds. Revoke of letter of credit does not create any obligation of the issuing bank to the payee (Article 1094 Civil Code). Nominated bank is obligated to make a payment or other operations on a revocable letter of credit, if at the time of their commission they have not received notice of the change of conditions or canceling credit. A letter of credit is revocable if its text does not explicitly state otherwise.

Irrevocable letter of credit is a firm obligation of the issuing bank to pay money in order and the terms defined by the conditions of the letter of credit, if the documents provided for by it, submitted to the bank specified in the credit, or the issuing bank, and observe the terms and conditions of the letter of credit.
Irrevocable letter of credit guarantees that the exporter will make payment to the performance of its obligations, even if an importer wants to abandon the deal. Therefore, exporter, performing a special order, for which most likely will not be another buyer, chooses exactly this kind of letter of credit.

Irrevocable unconfirmed letter of credit. When making an unconfirmed letter of credit issuing bank, providing a letter of credit, is only party that is responsible for the disbursement to seller. Nominated bank has to pay only after receiving the money from the issuing bank. Nominated bank simply acts on behalf of the bank providing credit, so it does not take any risk.

Irrevocable confirmed letter of credit - the obligation of the issuing bank is confirmed by another bank. Confirmation is an additional guarantee of payment from another bank (Bank of the exporter or prime bank).
Bank, confirming letter of credit is committed to pay for documents according to the conditions of the letter of credit if the issuing bank fails to make the payment.

According to the method of payment letters of credit can be divided into the following types of letters of credit:

1.Transferable Letter of Credit (Transferable LC) is a letter of credit, the beneficiary of which is entitled to instruct the advising bank to transfer the letter in full or in part to another person with the preservation of the conditions of the letter of credit. Transferable letter of credit may be transferred only once (if in the Credit otherwise is stated). Prohibition on transfer of letter of credit is not a prohibition on assignment of revenue on it. Letter of credit can be transferred only if it is clearly defined by the issuing bank as a transferable. The term "divisible", "fractional", "assignable", "passed" and others do not give the right to consider the letter of credit as transferable. This type of letter of credit is applied when in the transaction between the seller and buyer the intermediary participates who has a letter of credit opened in his favor and transferred into its own provider. The letter of credit can be transferred only under the conditions specified in the original letter of credit, with the exception of the amount of the credit, the unit price, which can be reduced, as well as the expiry date, the last date for submission of documents after the date of shipment, shipment period, which may be reduced. During transferable letter of credit the documents should be requested so that they could be used for the initial credit. The use of this type of credit requires caution and a good knowledge of technology.

2. Red clause Letter of credit. The essence of red clause letter of credit is that letter of credit requires the terms and conditions of a special clause, according to which the issuing bank authorizes the nominated bank to make an advance payment of a specified amount to the beneficiary before submitting all the documents under the Credit (prior to shipment of the goods or services). Such clause is included in the letter of credit at the request of applicant. Down payment on red clause letter of credit made by the executing bank under a written obligation of the beneficiary to submit documents in accordance with the terms of the letter of credit. After the submission of all documents executed in full. A letter of credit is named in such way because special clause was done with a red stripe.

3.The letter of credit with Payment at Sight. Beneficiary receives payment upon presentation and verification of documents corresponding to all the conditions of the letter of credit. It is provided a reasonable time for a document check before paying to the issuing bank, confirming bank or an authorized bank.

4.The letter of credit with Deferred payment. Letter of credit with Deferred payment is based on an irrevocable commitment of the issuing bank and / or confirming bank to make payment against presentation of the relevant documents not at the time of presentation of the documents and in the corresponding period of payment, determined by the conditions of the letter of credit. Letters of credit (with Deferred payment and payment by acceptance) may be a more attractive financial instruments to customers prior to the date of payment the buyer can sell the goods and pay the letter of credit, generated profit.

5. Revolving Letter of Credit (Revolving LC) put up on a certain amount, after which it will be used for some time, again exposed for the payment of claims of the beneficiary as many times as is reached set the maximum aggregate limit.
The advantage for the importer is that it can order the product in quantities greater than it needs at the moment, and thus to secure a better purchase price. In this case, the delivery of goods will be divided into certain parties and must be performed at specified intervals. For exporter to ship on a schedule convenient for the importer, usually under the revolving credit indicating the dates of the respective amounts which represent the proportion of the aggregate limit.
Such  statement about the date of the equity amounts forces an exporter to ship goods in time in accordance with the agreed schedule, otherwise unused equity amounts simply void, unless otherwise isn’t stipulated in the letter of credit, that is for a further letter of credit they will be impossible to use. In this case we are talking about the "non-cumulative Revolving Letter of Credit."
If the amounts that were not used in fixed terms for them, however, are allowed to use in the future, in which case we are dealing with a "cumulative Revolving Letter of Credit."
Revolving Letters of Credit are useful only for transactions in which the same type of product will be delivered at regular intervals to the same counterparty.

6.Stand-by Letter of Credit (Stand-by LC) was developed by the American banking system and performs the same functions as a bank guarantee. Using a Stand-by Letter of Credit is regulated by the ISP98, and UCP 600.
Stand-by Letter of Credit is a bank's obligation to make payment in the event of default on the part of the Applicant, and is a bank guarantee. Typically, this letter of credit is opened in cases where the contract provides for payment for goods by bank transfer or otherwise, not giving an absolute guarantee of payment, and the exporter wants to protect himself, but the bank guarantee is forbidden, then in the contract the parties stipulate that as security the letter of credit will be Stand-by by the importer. Payment under this letter of credit will be made in the event of non-payment by bank transfer or otherwise, in unintended ways, on presentation of documents by the beneficiary and the special statement indicating that the counterparty (applicant for the credit) has not fulfilled its obligations in respect of payment.

The use of the term "stand-by letter of credit" is explicated in such way that the law of some states in the U.S. prohibits banks to provide guarantees, and the International Chamber of Commerce Uniform Rules for Documentary Credits under the influence of U.S. banks recognizes the application of these rules for stand-by letters of credit (Article 1). From this position, their use is preferable to a bank guarantee, which are subject to national legislation.

In recent years, access to the banks to provide credit guarantee becomes frequent, which would support the borrower's obligation to pay to a third party or a promise to fulfill certain contractual obligations. This can be done with the help of  letter of credit.
Beneficiary under a stand-by letter of credit is drawn firstly to the applicants for payment and then asks the bank to make a payment. For commercial letter of credit situation is reversed, "the beneficiary receives payment from the issuing bank, without resorting to the buyer for payment."
Thus, as well as a guarantee, stand-by letter of credit is irrevocable obligation of the bank to pay a specified amount of stand-by letters of credit in the first written demand of the beneficiary in the event of default by a party under the Contract, subject to all conditions of the credit.

7.Back-to-back letter of credit. The letter of credit is opened by the issuing bank at the request of the client-applicant in the event of another open letter of credit in favor of the client, in which he is a beneficiary. In contrast to the transferable letter of credit,  basic and back-to-back letter of credit are two legally independent from each other letters of credit, even though both are designed for the same commodity transactions.
Back-to-back letter of credit is effective in cases where the seller does not want the proxy provider to know the end customer, and vice versa. In this case, the terms of a letter of credit opened in the name of the broker, may be moved to credit, which will open in the name of an intermediary  third party transactions, both credit will be run independently of each other, and the terms of a letter of credit may differ if it is necessary.
This type of credit is usually used by middlemen.
In the CIS countries to open such credit, the banks generally require collateral or broker deposits to lower the risks.

Payment mechanism
1. Importer (buyer) has a guarantee that the bank will not pay for his account as long as he doesn’t receive documents in accordance with the terms of the letter of credit and is satisfied that received documents by the external signs meet the requirements of the importer.
2. Banks will deny payment of documents by the importer, if the documents on the goods do not meet the letter of credit, thereby protecting the interests of the importer.
3. Customer can be sure of receiving payment as soon as he provides the documents to the bank according with the letter of credit.
4. Customer receives against the shipping documents, specified in the letter of credit, prompt payment (if the letter of credit provides for payment  terms - on demand).
5. Required documents usually include shipping documents such as bills of lading (receipt of shipmaster) goods and transport waybill, duplicate w / a bill showing that the goods have been shipped in accordance with the needs and specification of the buyer.

Letter of credit in most cases is as follows:
1. Exporter and importer agree to the release of LC (Letter of credit).
2. Importer (the buyer) with the consent of the exporter (seller) asks his bank to issue a letter of credit. The importer's bank (the issuing bank) in such case assumes an obligation to pay a fixed amount to the exporter with the condition that the exporter will provide the documents that match the letter of credit for a specified period of time.
3. Bank issuing informs the bank of the exporter of the credit.
4. Bank of the exporter (advising bank informs the exporter that, the letter of credit is issued on his advantage).
5. Exporter ships the goods, prepares the necessary documents and send them to the bank for providing in the designated bank.
6. Designated bank verifies the documents and if the documents are in compliance with the terms and conditions of letter of credit, this bank will pay the amount of the documents, but not exceeding the total amount of the letter of credit.
7. Designated bank sends the documents to the importer's bank for onward transmission to the importer, who can use them to get the goods.

General advantages of the letter of credit
1.Letter of credit is very flexible computational tool that can be used for payment transactions on a variety deals of clients.
2.Letter of credit is a tool, the rules of using of which are defined in the authoritative international organization, are common and are recognized all around the world. This is beneficial to both customers and banks, as each party of the transaction has a clear understanding of rights, responsibilities, and standard requirements to all participants in the operation.
3.Letter of credit is useful as a tool for short-term financing.

Advantages of the letter of credit for importers
1.Letter of credit may open by own expense of the client, by funds provided by the bank on credit, as well as by providing support by customer to fulfill its obligations (mortgage, deposit).
2.Payment is performed after shipment of goods and delivery of documents.
3.Importer determines a list of the documents against which will be issued payment.
4.Limit the period of providing of the documents and shipment of goods.

Advantages of the letter of credit for exporters
1.To the obligation of the buyer to pay, it is added an obligation of the issuing bank, this liability does not depend on the relationship between the seller and the buyer.
2.If the letter of credit is confirmed, so there is a guarantee of payment from the second bank.
3.Performance of the letter of credit is a guarantee of payment.

The similarities between the letters of credit and guarantees
1.Letter of credit and guarantee are due to the existence and the need to secure the obligations of partners in a transaction.
2.Letter of credit and guarantee are the bank's obligation to make payment to the beneficiary against certain documents;
3.Letter of credit and guarantee are paid during the provision to the bank well-defined and clearly understood terms of those instruments of documents.
4.Commercial banks offer guarantees and letters of credit on the base of written confirmation of the presence of obligations in the applicant that are provided by such guarantees or letters of credit (the contract, etc.).

The differences between the letters of credit and guarantees
1. Letter of credit is opened with the intention of using it, that is, payment by letter of credit is a phenomenon that occurs during the normal course of events (method of payment). Guarantee is used as a way to ensure obligations and is used if in the process of the implementation of one of the parties of the transaction is not able to meet its own obligations.

2. Letter of credit is used as a method of payment in one form or another. The guarantee can cover almost any kind of obligations (the advance payment guarantee, performance of contractual obligations, tender obligations, repayment, payment of customs duty, payment of a fine or compensation fixed by the court, the observance of the guarantee period of equipment, guarantee of the payment of court collateral, guarantee of payment of the transfer a football player and many others.) Area of application of guarantee, thus much wider than in credit.
3. Letter of credit is a transferable tool, as it allows to optimize the calculations between the partners. Guarantee in rare cases can be transferable as all that is required to receive funding under the guarantee is the requirement of payment, which makes it a ground for abuse of this tool.

DL Financial Ltd issues Real Bank Guarantees, real and genuine SBLC's and completes Real Funding without long stories!

DL Financial Limited (DLFL) are genuine and reliable providers of loan, international project funding, Lease bank guarantee providers, buy, lease or rent sblc, dlc and all letters of credit.  Kindly contact us today for all your financial needs.

