What if you found out that in six months from now you could be making as much money as some of the wealthiest tech entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley? Jonas Elmerraji wants to show you how.
What the mainstream advice about investing will tell you is that there is no better way to grow your money than buying a stock and sitting on it. But if you think about it, that strategy is almost as effective as putting your money away for safekeeping in a bank: the growth is slow and you won’t be able to see your returns and actually hold them in your hands until years from now.
There are better investment options available to you even if you’ve never owned a single stock in your entire life. Jonas Emerraji wants to tell you about the under-the-radar way that you can connect with some of the most profitable companies operating today—companies that are making people rich from investments that amount to just pennies.
It’s an investment strategy that targets what’s known in the business world as business development companies, or BDCs for short. These tiny companies offer stocks at extremely affordable prices right now, but that won’t last for long. When these companies get ready go public their value soars, making early investors millionaires.
What you must be asking yourself right now is why, if these companies are so profitable, why aren’t the huge investment houses dominating them right off the bat?
There’s a reason.
The giant Wall Street firms that otherwise run the industry aren’t allowed to touch these companies thanks to a law called the Small Business Investment Incentive Act. What it means is that you get a chance to invest in profitable small companies before they turn into the next news cycle’s IPO giants.
To help investors identify profitable BDCs, Elmerraji has developed a program that is transforming the world of finance. It’s called Penny Stock Fortunes.
Elmerraji has the expertise to back his picks. Through his work with some of the biggest finance houses he has made his name in the industry, and has been featured on well known media outlets such as MSNBC, TheStreet.com, Forbes and many other top-tier business media markets. The kind of access that Elmerrajii is offering isn’t something you’ll come across when you set up an appointment with the financial adviser down at your bank. This is trading wisdom.
If you’ve never invested before this is a chance to get into the market without costing you all of your savings, and the potential to make money off it is astronomical. Imagine being able to lend Steve Jobs five bucks to get Apple started when he was still running it out of his garage. If you asked Apple to cash out your five dollar investment on the day of a new iPhone release you’d be a multi-millionaire. This is your chance to get that level of access and ROI in a stock.
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