Thursday, October 8, 2015


You can now get your preferred verbiage of a SWIFT MT799 and SWIFT MT 760 delivered directly to your own bank. Payment of the leasing fee only 7 days after receipt of SWIFT MT760, hard copy and verification by your receiving bank.

All instruments are in compliance with the rules, regulations and practices as set forth by the International Chamber Of Commerce (ICC), Paris, France, publication 500, latest revision.
Receive a genuine Bank Instrument, issued by a major World Bank!
Bank Instrument Format. Bank Guarantee or Standby Letter of Credit, emitted with “clean” verbiage, cash backed. The verbiage of the bank instrument is in line with standard ICC formats, banking protocols and financial standards. Your client’s preferred and suggested text can be considered. 

Emission of Bank Instrument. The instrument is issued via SWIFT MT760. If a Pre-Advice is required, it is sent via SWIFT MT 799 with SWIFT MT 760 to follow. Hard copy delivery via bank-to-bank bonded courier within 7 days of SWIFT MT760 delivery, receipt and verification at the receiving bank.

The Leasing Fee. Leasing fees for the first year and any broker commission is paid only after the delivery and verification of the instrument to the receiving bank.
Leasing transaction of less than USD 250 million.

There are options for you to start your leasing transaction of less than USD 250 million. Your bank is informed about your transaction and confirms the reservation of the SWIFT and bank arrangement fees in your account, or your bank is not aware of your plans to lease a bank instrument for credit enhancement.

The following SWIFT fee will have to be placed directly with the provider and paid into an account as nominated by the provider after executed contracts and before the SWIFT MT799/760 is sent to your receiving bank.

Face Value of TransactionSWIFT and bank arrangement fees*
USD/EURO 10M TO 49MUSD/EURO 50,000.00
USD/EURO 50M TO 99MUSD/EURO 70,000.00
USD/EURO 100M TO 199MUSD/EURO 100,000.00
USD/EURO 200M TO 499MUSD/EURO 200,000.00

If your funding bank is aware of your leasing transaction
In that event, we require:
(1) your RWA letter and duly filled in Application
(2) a colour copy of your passport
(3) a copy of your certificate of incorporation
(4.0) a Bank Confirmation Letter along these lines, addressed to yourself:
Dear Mr. or Mrs XXX,

As instructed by yourself, we have blocked a sum of USD/EUR XXXXX (SWIFT and bank arrangement fees) in your account with us for the next 10 banking days.

These funds are reserved and will be sent to the provider of the bank guarantee instrument against an invoice and a corporate refund undertaking. We understand that this sum is required to cover your providers SWIFT and bank arrangement fees to issue and send a bank guarantee instrument via SWIFT MR799/MT760 to your benefit to our bank.

We further confirm, upon receipt of the bank guarantee instrument issued by a top international bank, we are ready to fund your project / business / investment / transaction up to a total sum of USD/ EUR  XXXX.
Signed by Bank Officer in charge of your account.”
Contracts will be issued upon receipt of the Application.

If your funding bank is not aware of your leasing transaction

In case the required bank confirmation is not provided, we will process your application on the following basis only. We require:
(1) your RWA letter and duly filled in Application
(2) a colour copy of your passport
(3) a copy of your Certificate of Incorporation
(4.1) Your cash payment of the Processing Fees in the amount of USD/EUR 5,000.00 to the account of The Research and Sourcing Limited to cover expenses which occur in processing your transaction. Upon receipt of your complete application, you will receive an invoice accordingly. Contracts will be issued upon receipt of the Processing Fees. The Processing Fees will be credited towards your commission payment once you followed through with your obligations in your transaction.

RWA letter and duly filled in Application (A)

If your funding bank is aware of your leasing transaction
RWA Confirmation to lease a Bank Instrument in the amount of USD/EUR XXX
Dear Sir,
I have made note of the procedures to obtain a leased bank instrument for enhancement.
My bank has blocked the SWIFT and bank arrangement fees in the amount of USD/EUR XXXX already and confirmed funding against the receipt of a bank guarantee instrument. The approved verbiage of the Bank Guarantee/SBLC and the bank confirmation is attached. (OR WRITE: ) I will use your suggested verbiage.

This is to confirm that I am aware and in agreement to place the SWIFT and bank arrangement fees directly with the provider, after executed contracts and I received the Lessor’s signed and sealed corporate refund undertaking and before the instrument is sent via SWIFT MT799/760. I will comply with these terms and transfer the funds accordingly, directly as instructed by the provider within 3 banking days of receipt of the provider’s invoice and Refund Undertaking, into the provider’s nominated bank account.

I am ready, willing and able to start the process of leasing a bank instrument from you immediately.
Sincerely yours,
duly filled in Application
colour copy of my passport
copy of Certificate of Incorporation
Bank Confirmation Letter addressed to myself
Desired Bank Guarantee/SBLC verbiage”

RWA letter and duly filled in Application (B)
If your funding bank is not aware of your leasing transaction
“RWA Confirmation to lease a Bank Instrument in the amount of USD/EUR XXXX
Dear Sir,
I have made note of the procedures to obtain a leased bank instrument for enhancement.
My bank has not yet confirmed funding against the receipt of a bank guarantee instrument or blocked cash funds in the amount of USD/EUR XXXX to cover the SWIFT and bank arrangement fees. The approved verbiage of the Bank Guarantee/SBLC is attached. (OR WRITE: ) I will use your suggested verbiage.

Any further questions on the emission of BG/SBLC of USD/EUR 10M to USD/EUR 250M? 

Contact Us today for all your funding needs, including Loans, Project Finance, Bank Guarantee, SBLC, Letters of credit, DLC. 


NOTICE: Brokers are paid 1% commission for every successful transaction. If you want to be our broker or company representative in your country, EMAIL us  for more information.

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