For people of average wealth, credit cards are ways to get by when money is tight, make additional purchases or to earn generic rewards. Credit cards give the super-rich power, incredible perks and help them further fund their extravagant lifestyles. Many of these exclusive credit cards come only through invitation or by achieving specific benchmarks.
Before even applying to own this card, a person has to be an American Express Platinum cardholder for at least one year. The cardholder must charge at least $250,000 on the Platinum card in one calendar year. Then, if a cardholder is lucky enough to be invited to apply for an American Express Centurion Card, she will need to pay an initial fee of $5,000 and an annual fee of $2,500.
With these criteria and fees come some very nice perks. The American Express Centurion Card provides access to a 24-hour concierge service, flight upgrades, complementary hotel rooms, personal shoppers and the ability to close a retail store for personal shopping.
The JP Morgan Chase Palladium card offers its cardholders a very high rewards program. Each dollar that a cardholder spends on travel results in two points toward the card's reward benefits. Cardholders also receive a 35,000 point bonus after spending $100,000.
The card comes with some amazing perks. Cardholders have access to a team of 24/7 lifestyle managers whose sole purpose is to meet the cardholders' every request. Additionally, the card has no credit limit and zero restrictions, allowing cardholders to spend as much as they want.
These other perks include personal concierge services, discounted charter flights, car services, upgrades at luxury hotels, merchandise discounts and consultations with lifestyle experts. The card has a $1,500 annual fee.
1. American Express Centurion Card
The American Express Centurion Card is the most exclusive credit card in the world and is commonly known as the original black card. Launched in 1999, American Express has kept it in a shroud of uncertainty, giving it a very high level of status in the minds of consumers. The company won't release the full details of the card or how one can become a cardholder, but a few criteria have been leaked.Before even applying to own this card, a person has to be an American Express Platinum cardholder for at least one year. The cardholder must charge at least $250,000 on the Platinum card in one calendar year. Then, if a cardholder is lucky enough to be invited to apply for an American Express Centurion Card, she will need to pay an initial fee of $5,000 and an annual fee of $2,500.
With these criteria and fees come some very nice perks. The American Express Centurion Card provides access to a 24-hour concierge service, flight upgrades, complementary hotel rooms, personal shoppers and the ability to close a retail store for personal shopping.
2. JP Morgan Chase Palladium Card
The JP Morgan Chase Palladium credit card is made of laser-etched palladium and gold, and it is reserved for consumers who have a relationship with JP Morgan's private bank, wealth management or investment bank. Unlike the American Express Centurion Card, this card has an annual fee of only $595 and has no prior spending requirement.3. Dubai First Royal MasterCard
The Dubai First Royal MasterCard is trimmed in gold, with a .235-carat diamond in the center of the card. Consumers must receive an invitation from Dubai First to become cardholders.The card comes with some amazing perks. Cardholders have access to a team of 24/7 lifestyle managers whose sole purpose is to meet the cardholders' every request. Additionally, the card has no credit limit and zero restrictions, allowing cardholders to spend as much as they want.
4. Stratus Rewards Visa Card
The Stratus Rewards Visa is a card that tries to differentiate itself from other elite cards, even down to its color. The bright white card is available to high-net-worth individuals (HNWIs) only through invitation. However, these individuals can pool their rewards points together to use toward private jets and other perks, an option exclusive to this card.These other perks include personal concierge services, discounted charter flights, car services, upgrades at luxury hotels, merchandise discounts and consultations with lifestyle experts. The card has a $1,500 annual fee.
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